Any questions ?

Find your answers here

<b>Find your answers here</b>

To book an appointment and obtain the price for a tattoo, please contact us using the contact form, with as much detail as possible.

If you wish to get in touch with one of the artists directly, you can choose the name in the dropdown menu and the form will be sent to her directly.

<b>Do you take walk-ins ?</b>

We prefer you to book. We try to prioritize email exchanges initially, in order to avoid you coming to the parlour unnecessarily. If we’re not in the middle of a tattoo, we would be happy to take you, but you would be lucky not to arrive whilst we’re busy with another customer.


The price of a project varies depending on the different specifications such as size, style, coulours, complexity, position on the body etc.

Good to know: the minimum price for a tattoo is €100. This includes the needle, the time it takes to disinfect and prepare the work station, ink and design.


For all appointments we will ask for a deposit. This will reserve your appointment and cover the design. It will then be deducted from the end price. In the event of the project needing several sessions, it will be deducted after the last session only.

If you are unable to attend, we please ask that you notify us as soon as possible so we can move your appointment. Any absence which has not been communicated in the 48 hours before the appointment, will result in the loss of the deposit.

<b>Waiting List</b>

The waiting list for an appointment varies depending on the tattoo artist, the complexity of your project and the length of the session but it is relatively quick, between 1 to 4 weeks.


Each tattoo artist has their own way of working. For medium to large projects, some may prepare the design in advance and show you for approval before the appointment (several days before or the night before). Others may prefer to show you on the day itself in order to make changes directly with you, if needed.

For small tattoos such as text, dates or symbols, the design will be done on the day itself.

Changes to the design are possible, as long as the artist determines that they are doable and tattoo-able.


You may bring someone to accompany you. During preparation, cleaning/disinfecting and the pose du stencil, this person may be present. During tattooing, he or she will have to sit in the waiting room for hygiene reasons and to allow the tattoo artist to concentrate.

<b>Preparing for the session</b>

In order to prepare well for the sessions, you should:

– Get a good night’s sleep the night before
– Have a good breakfast
– Bring a sweet snack for during/after the session
– Not drink alcohol the night before (one or two glasses at the most)
– Not take any medication the night before which things the blood (such as aspirin)
– Avoid exfoliating or scrubbing the area to be tattooed a week before the appointment
– Wear baggy and dark coloured clothes (over the area to be tattooed)
– Ideally, get some exercise the night before or the day itself as this produces endorphins, natural pain relieving chemicals which help deal with the pain


The quality of your tattoo will depend significantly
on the care you follow during healing.
Follow the below instructions carefully.

• Method 1 : Common to most tattoos with cellophane
The day itself, remove the cellophane wrap approximately 3 hours af- ter the end of the session, Next, follow the daily care outlined below.
• Method 2 : Moist wound healing with «second skin» film wrap
Remove the film approximately 24 hours after the end of the session. If
the film is a little difficult to remove, adding a little warm water should
help it come off. Next, follow the daily care outlined below.

Clean your tattoo morning and evening with warm water and PH neu- tral soap, by massaging delicately with your hand. Rinse and leave to
dry, or dry by patting with some paper towel or a clean towel.
Next apply a thin layer of healing balm* 2-3 times per day. Gently rub
it in by massaging the area.

*Hustle Butter, ialuset, coconut oil, Bépanthène, etc. Avoid any
cream containing antiseptic , which may be too aggressive.

Instructions which must be respected throughout the healing process:
– Always wash your hands before touching the tattoo.
– Do not touch the tattoo except during the aftercare
– Do not apply too much cream to the tattoo, as it needs to breathe.
– In the event of a large area to be treated, separate out several
small amounts of cream and spread out slowly, to avoid rubbing
– Do not scratch the scabs or pull at the bits of skin to avoid any
unwanted scars which may lead to needing a correctional session.
– Itching must be relieved by the application of the cream.
– Prohibited : baths, swimming pool, sauna, hammam, sea, sun and
UV rays for 3 weeks, and excecise for 7 days.
– Wear baggy, cotton clothing.
– Sleep in clean bedsheets, and without your pet.

In order to check that your tattoo is healing correctly, you will need
to come back one month after the session. If the professional feels
any touch ups are necessary, they will be free of charge and carried
out within 2 months maximum (any longer and they will not be gua- ranteed).

Your tattoo is sensitive just like a scar, since it is the result of broken
skin. After it has completely healed, it is strongly recommended to
hydrate it regularly and protect it with «total sunscreen» during long
periods of sun exposu

<b>Do you recommend any creams?</b>

After the session you should moisturize your tattoo with a healing cream. At the Lab, we sell two creams:

The Easytattoo kit
This kit contains a gentle cleansing gel and a healing cream. Its compact format can be slipped into any type of bag…no excuses for not applying cream! What’s more, Easytattoo is a French brand!

The Hustle Butter Deluxe
This cream is a vegan alternative, 100% natural and 100% organic. Made with mango, coconut, papaya and other shea butters, its scent is intoxicating.

Otherwise, you can also buy the following in pharmacies: Ialuset, coconut oil, Bépanthène, Cicaplast, Cicalfate, etc. It is better to avoid creams which contain an antiseptic as these may be too aggressive.

<b>Touching up</b>

Healing is a very different process from one tattoo to the next, and touch ups may sometimes be necessary. Rest assured; they are not required every time.

Once the month of healing time is up, you can contact your tattoo artist for a check-up appointment or send us a photo by email so that we can review your tattoo and determine whether another session will be necessary to finish it off.

Beyond the 3-month mark after the session, touch ups are no longer guaranteed.

<b>Do you refuse certain projects?</b>

At the Lab, we see tattooing as a collaboration where each party must be comfortable with the project. The client as much as the tattoo artist.

  • We therefore reserve the right to refuse a tattoo in certain cases which are, for the most part, in the interest of the client:
    If the client is a minor
  • If the project does not correspond to our graphic style. In this case, we will point you towards a fellow tattoo artist.